Random Thoughts on a Sleepless Sunday

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Just checking in - I have tried to make it a habit to always get a post up on Sunday but today I just have a quick little bit because I have been working my butt off trying to get my project ready for Wednesday. What is Wednesday you ask? Why it is the deadline for the winter edition of the Pinterest Challenge!

{Via Young House Love}

It is the quarterly call to "stop pinning and start doing" and it is my hope that I can link up my $@^&* craft table. Yes, it now has expletives in its official name. This thing has been a thorn in my side to finish...between the sanding and the drying of primer, paint, and poly, I am dunzo with this project. But it is looking to turn out pretty good. I will be back on Wednesday for sure with final results of the table, the craft room, however, is just beginning.

Anyone else missing their hour of sleep today? I slept in a little too late, cough cough 11:30 cough and I'm finding it pretty hard to hit the hay. I only have to make it through four days this week and then it is heaven on earth...SPRING BREAK! I will never get tired of being a teacher for the simple fact of regularly scheduled vacations.

Have I ever mentioned I'm a John Mayer fan? Well I am. I was so sad to learn that he had to cancel his entire Spring tour because his throat condition worsened. That man is ah-mazing live (seen him four times) and it just won't seem like summer without a visit from Mr. Mayer. I will be anxiously awaiting his new album, Born and Raised, which is scheduled for release on May 22nd.

I will be back on Wednesday, have a great week!

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