
High Five, I'm Back!

Friday, July 06, 2012

Woo to the hoo, it's Friday and my impromptu blog hiatus is finished. Where have I been? Read on to find out!

1. The past week and half has been spent finishing my master's degree. I am putting the finishing touches on my portfolio today and submitting that sucker. After 6 semesters, 10 classes, and ridiculous amounts of work, I am donezo! Hello pay raise!

2. I got to have dinner with one of my best friend's from grade school a couple of weeks ago. We hadn't seen each other in about 3 years and we picked up like it was nothing. It was great and I had such a good time!

3. Last Friday, Chris and I went to his best friend's sister's wedding (follow that?). It was hand's down one of the most fun weddings I've been to. They are a Venezulean family and besides all the Spanish and latin music, they had "hora de loca" or crazy time in which we all put on masks, grabbed maracas, and did one of the craziest conga lines ever!

Totally rocking some butterfly wings!
4. In June, Chris and I focused on setting and keeping a budget and I'm proud to report that we tracked every penny and each ended the month with money leftover! We went over budget in some areas but it really was eye-opening to see where our money was going. We already set up July's budget and are going strong.

5. I made my birthday list this week. A high five for birthday presents and a low five for getting ready to turn 27. Oh man, I'm getting a old!

Hope you have had a great week and have an even better weekend! I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk for her High Five for Friday party. Go check it out and find some new blogs to follow!


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  1. Ohhhhh budgets. I need one of those.

    And congrats to finishing! That is such a huge relief!!!

  2. Two more things we have in common:

    I did the exact same Master's program at Mizzou. Amie Klimczak was my advisor and I finished in December of 2010.

    I also turn 27 this year- October

    Congratulations on finishing, I remember that relief!!

    1. Were practically twins! Haha! Aimee is my advisor too, I really like her. Im so glad to be finished, just have to get through review!
