I Can See Into the Future

Monday, April 05, 2010

OK so I really can't see the future, but right now if I were to shake my Magic 8 ball it would tell me my "Outlook good." I found out last week that I am officially hired back in my position at West Middle! I can not even describe how good this feeling is, knowing that I have a job 4 months before the school year actually begins. And it is a full contract so I am (hopefully) guaranteed a position in the district somewhere  until my happy ass decides to leave. We (the teachers) do not have a contract yet because of some negotiation issues but hopefully by this Sunday we will know what is going on, then I will be "officially" official!

I have already started a gigantic to-do list for this summer now that I am staying put, lots of planning, maybe a little classroom painting, and teaching summer school. I am pumped for summer school because I am teaching scrapbooking...and I use the term "teach" lightly. I pretty much intend on crafting for 4 weeks with a bunch of 6,7,8th graders for an extra 2 G's....yes please!

The weather has been fantastic lately, except for today (what was with the 2pm torrential downpour?) lots of sun and over 80 degrees. It makes me crave the summer...lots of fun events coming up, our friends Natalie and Joel's wedding, Lake Trip 5, our 4 year anniversary, my 25th birthday (holy hell!), and my first summer where I don't have to look for a job. Can't wait!

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