
Stop Pinning, Start Doing

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Two of my favorite blogs, Young House Love and Bower Power, have issued a challenge, not just any challenge, a Pinterest-inspired challenge! Image Credit: Katie Bower I have discussed my love of Pinterest before (here and here) and my Pin boards have continued to grow to over 149 Pins (I know, JV, heck even freshman effort compared to varsity Pinner Sherry at Young...


House - Kitchen


Friday, July 22, 2011
I am making progress on my to-do list with work on the kitchen.  My inspiration from the kitchen is coming from the DIY King and Queen over at YoungHouse Love. John and Sherry recently painted their kitchen "grellow", a mix of green and yellow and I absolutely loved it. I love how bright it looks with the white accents and I thought that...


Tick It Off

Saturday, July 16, 2011
After my lovely list post from earlier this week, I felt like I have made some progress. Isn't fun crossing (or "ticking" as the Brits on our favorite BBC show, TopGear say) items off your list? Having a list always makes me feel more focused and makes things easier to accomplish. Here is what I was able to accomplish so far... House Stuff...


The List

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
So today it hit me that I only have about 24 days left of my summer vacation. Wait, what? 24 days? After the wave of panic washed over me I immediately got into list mode. Here are some things that I hope to accomplish before the start of yet another crazy school year. House Stuff Paint the kitchen a yet undetermined color. Paint...


Food - Party


Sunday, July 10, 2011
Chris and I hosted our first house party last night and it was a blast! I was so nervous about planning a party, worrying about the weather, the food, who would come, what the house looked like. annoying the neighbors...just about everything...but it went perfectly. We couldn't have asked for better weather, it was hot during the day but by the time everyone...



"I Love Cape Girardeau!"

Thursday, July 07, 2011