Success Sunday

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Sometimes we just need to be reminded of what's going right in life - whether it be big or small -so I thought that each Sunday (or darn near close to it) I would take some time and post them here - feel free to share yours as well!

- Completed Week 1 of the Push Up Challenge.

- Went to the pool twice last week.

- Found $20 in a side pocket of a purse I took to the ball game on Thursday night which I then spent on hot dogs and Cokes for Chris and I. #treatyoself

- Redeemed a month's worth of Swagbucks for a $50 Paypal gift card. Gotta love free money! Thanks to Stephanie at Not Entirely Perfect for pushing me to get back on the Swagbucks wagon. I'm hoping to be able to have a nice little birthday spending spree in August with my Swagbucks loot. Happy birthday to me!
Want to earn free gift cards? Here's my referral link to Swagbucks, check it out.

What can you celebrate today? Hope you've had a great weekend!


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