Sunday, October 21, 2012

Spooky Treats (A Five Minute Craft)

This week at work we are getting into the Halloween spirit by "spooking" each other. One person gets a candy treat for another person and secretly leaves it from them at their desk then the person who received the candy has to then spook another person (got it?).

I've been getting the itch to get crafty (as I so often do in the months of October - December) so I headed to the Dollar Tree to whip up these quick and easy treats seen on ...wait for it... Pinterest (where else?)

 The supplies needed you can see in the pic below. Some googly eyes, chocolate bars, and white crepe paper.

Simply wrap the crepe paper around the chocolate bar, secure with tape or glue. Then glue on the googly eyes...I used glue dots because I thought hot glue might melt the chocolate and we don't want that!

And ta-da! That's it!

My sister who is student teaching in Springfield made mummies and bats for her 1st graders. Too cute!


How was your weekend? Get any crafting done?

I'm currently biting my nails watching the Cardinals play game 6 and it's not looking pretty. We just need to get it together!
Linking up with
Home Stories A2Z


  1. SPRINGFIELD!?!?!?! Which elementary?????????

    Game 7. Sigh.

    These are cute!

  2. Thanks! She's at Fremont Elementary...anywhere close to you? Keeping my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for a win tonight!

  3. This is a cute craft. Your work sounds really laid back and fun!

  4. Busted!!! Now I know who spooked me at school! Thanks for the cute mummy!
