Thursday, October 18, 2012

High Five for Friday

Friday! So glad you're here.

I like to reflect each week on what totally rocked and link up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk.

This week, my world is better because:

1. 12 in '12 baby! My STL Cardinals are currently playing in the NLCS AGAIN. It feels unreal to be back in the same position we were last year. AND I get to go to Game #5 tonight to hopefully see them clinch the pennant.

2. Fall just showed up. One day this week as I turned onto my street I was bombarded by fall colors. We are still dealing with up and down temps but the colors are finally getting on track.

3. I got my school picture this week and it reminded me that I am becoming my mom. Slowly but's happening.

5. I got to visit with my very good friend Megan over the weekend. It was so much fun to see her and her adorable daughter Kinsley. I love that even though I don't get see her all that often we pick up right where we left off like we've missed no time at all.

This weekend I'm cheering on the Cardinals, hosting a sister night at my house, and gonna grocery shop 'til I drop. What are you up to? Hope it's a good one!



  1. GOOOO CARDS!!!! We're watching right now. Jealous that you get to go!!!!

    Pumpkin puppy chow. Questioned this. It's GOOD???

    Got my school pics back today. Blah.

  2. The pumpkin puppy chow is unbelievably good. But I think you definitely have to be a fan of pumpkin. It uses Pumpkin Hershey Kisses and they are wonderful!

  3. ribs in the crock pot? sounds amazing!!!

    1. Indeed they were. I love anything I can cook in the crock pot!

  4. Thanks for the crockpot ribs recipe! Yum!

    Happy Friday!

    LKF @Bmore Domestic #H54F

  5. You definitely look like your mom !!! Thanks for the recipie !
    My Blog - A Pretty Nest

  6. Pumpkin Puppy Chow? Ummm, yes please!!

    New follower from #h54f.


  7. I came to leave a comment and Danavee said everything I planned to. HA!

    I have a good feeling about the game tonight. Go Freese!

    1. It's not looking good...but they don't call 'em the Cardiac Cards for nothing! Here's hoping to locking it up tonight!
