Stephanie, Steph, and Ashley have created the goal setting link up starting this month and I'm going to do my best to participate.
The challenge for September is fitness which is ever so perfect for me because Chris and I are having pictures taken in October and I'd like to at least look semi-presentable.
We've had zero professional pictures taken - I mean why would we? No major life events for us here - but after 8 years and a cute little house together, I'd like for there to be at least one picture of us on the walls that isn't a selfie or include a beer can. I'd like there to be pictures on the wall period. But we'll save that for another month's goals.
So back in July I made an appointment with a photographer who I've been
Have I gone to the gym?
Maybe twice.
Have I ate healthy meals?
The Wendy's drive thru employees recognize me when I pull up.
It all stops NOW!
1. Track every meal with my Weight Watcher's app - not a morsel of food shall be left out, even if it blows my points budget to smithereens. I will also try to stay within my points budget of 26 points a day. Goodbye Dr. Pepper.
2. Attend Zumba class every Tuesday and Saturday.
3. Go to the gym at least two more times in the week.
4. Continue my gluten free diet and make healthy choices whenever possible (we've got a variety of social engagements this month, I need to stay away from apps and zerts.)
So that's what I'll be doing this month - and hopefully I'll be picture ready come October.
Are you up for a challenge this month? Maybe something small like walking a certain number of steps everyday, parking farther away from the grocery store entrance, or trying a new workout class at the gym. Get to it!
So excited for you! Can't wait to see the photos, what a fun goal. You got this girl :)