Thursday, January 24, 2013

High Five for Friday

I was seriously hoping for a snow day today but no dice. Bummer. But the consolation is that it is Friday so a few more hours of work before the weekend won't be so bad...hopefully.

This week rocked because...

1. A four day work week. I could seriously get behind four day work weeks as a cost saving measure - there is actually district just outside Saint Louis that does this and it doesn't sound too shabby.

2. Made it to the gym twice after work this week for the second week in a row. Apparently it is possible to work out after working a full day and not pass out...I actually have more energy. Sometimes the the human body and how it works baffles me.

3. Broke out the crock pot for a crazy easy and delicious roast on Wednesday...a roast plus an Italian and ranch seasoning packet, a brown gravy packet, and a cup of water...set it and forget it!

4. Almost positive I will get to teach summer school this year. HOLLA for some extra pay!

5. Saturday marks 8 weeks and NO cigarettes. Not gonna lie, I sometimes gaze longingly or inhale a little too deeply when I pass by a person who is smoking but ultimately I am so happy not smoking. I do miss it less everyday. I definitely enjoy my clothes and car not smelling.

I'm playing volleyball today against some of my students. I haven't played volleyball in years so hopefully I can still serve the ball over the net!

I'm excited to come home today, we've hired out a little project for the kitchen that I hope goes smoothly. I'll be back to share that this weekend.

Hope your week has been fantastic and your weekend is even better!


  1. Can't wait to see this kitchen project! And GOOD FOR YOU on EIGHT WEEKS! I'm proud!

    1. Thanks lady! Unfortunately I came home to a project that wasn't even started because it is going to be WAY more complicated and expensive than previously thought...yay! But it will get done sometime this week so I will be sure to share!! Have a good weekend!

  2. Stopping by from my grey desk's H54F's link party. Hope your volleyball game went well & congratulations on 8 weeks no smoking! That's awesome! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and the encouragement. The teachers ended up winning the volleyball game but it was soooo close!

  3. I could definitely do a four-day week - would love long weekends! (My job runs on daily tasks and deadlines five days a week, though.)
