Friday, June 1, 2012


It's Friday?

On summer vacation the days just seem to melt together so color me happy that it is the best of all days of the week, Friday! I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk for her High Five for Friday party.

My top 5 favorites from this past week:

1. I'm feeling motivated. I attended some amazing professional development this week that really makes me wish it was August already so I can implement some of the new learning that took place this week. Crazy right? I just spent four weeks counting down until summer and now here I am wishing I was at school. Dork!

2. So far I have cooked every meal at home this week. This is a personal victory as I don't think I have ever not ate out even just once in a week. And I'm on track to continue this trend...amazing what a little planning can do.

Pesto Seared Salmon with Lemon Couscous ...fancy!

3. Cheesecake stuffed strawberries rocked my world this week. Another Pinterest inspired recipe that definitely lives up to the amount of times I've seen it repinned.

4. Pedicures with my mom and sisters.

5. Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Flea walked across the stage on his hands!

Hope you had a great week and an even better weekend!



  1. Whoa. I'm impressed! No eating out?

    1. None! I even brought my lunch to work meetings! No one is more surprised than me!

  2. Wow. This whole week of yours is pretty amazing. RHCP!? Pesto salmon! I wish I could get my man to get salmon. He says it's "too fishy" LOL

    1. The pesto really helps hide that too fishy BF was skeptical but he ate two servings he liked it so much! The recipe is literally salmon smeared with Buitoni pesto and then seared for about three minutes each side. Super easy!
