Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pinterest Gadget for Blogger

The other day I was making the rounds on some of my favorite blogs when I stumbled on to a new site that had an awesome Pinterest gadget on the side bar. I immediately went to Google to find out how to get this awesome gadget for myself. And surprisingly I didn't have to promise my first born or pray to any HTML gods to get it ;)

Marie at Code It Pretty hooked everybody up with a really easy tutorial to add this sweet "Latest Pins" gadget for Blogger.

Latest Pins Screenshot

Head over to my sidebar right quick and hover over one of the pins. How cool was that? The pictures enlarge as you mouse over. It is so sleek and stylish - you can even add the Pinterest logo above but I opted out for now.

Seriously, if you can cut and paste, this little piece of blog candy can be yours.

Just wanted to pass along this awesome resource and definitely check out Code It Pretty. Marie has some awesome Blogger tips that are very handy. Enjoy!


  1. Great tip, Sara! I will definitely check this out.

    I would love to figure out how to add a Pin It button that actually works in Google Reader etc. since I know I appreciate that feature when I read posts.

  2. There is a Pin It button on Code It Pretty but I'm not sure if it is Google Reader compatible. Talk to Marie @ Code It Pretty - I bet she might know something. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Oh wow! I am definitely going to have to go check that out. Thanks for sharing this :)

  4. Oh, this is super...very much want this!!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  5. Hi! Visiting from tt&j. Thanks for the heads up! Im going to check out the tutorial now :)

    Im going to poke around your site a little more.. I would love for you to share this at my Friday link party! :)
