Friday, April 6, 2012

High Five for Friday

Hey-o! It's Friday!

Here's what I loved about this week:

1. I only had to work four days. Yep, for the first time ever, our district has Good Friday off and I'm loving it. I'm going to the gym, the derm's office for a check up on my skin, and gettin' my nails did. Word.

2. The boyfriend and I get to share the three day weekend off  - which is a rare occasion in this house. We plan on working on planting some flowers, dying Easter eggs, and maybe seeing American Reunion.

3. I use Wallflowers from Bath & Body Works to make my house smell like I clean all the time and needed to purchase more. I decided to look online to see if would be cheaper and lo and behold it was with a coupon code. Just as I was about to purchase a commercial for came on and I decided to try it. Basically you shop through their site and then you get money back. Pretty cool! And I got a $5 bonus for signing up.

4. My blog got a bit of a facelift thanks to Jodi @ MooandPuppy Paper Shop. Jodi needed some help winning a bet and was offering free digital scrap paper for helping her win. I was able to choose some beautiful rainbow paper packs from her shop. I used her Rainbow T-Lines paper to change up the background which then made me want to make a new header and then a new Pinterest button.

{Rainbow Chevron Digital Paper - MooandPuppy Paper Shop}
5.  The absolute silliness that was my week. All week long I thought it was next week - literally showing up for meeting on Monday and Tuesday that are scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday. Why would I high five that? Well, since I stayed late Monday and showed up early on Tuesday I had extra time to get ahead and create some awesome lesson plans for the rest of the week and next. While I was not happy waking up at 5:30 in the a.m. on Tuesday it made things just a little easier and that's always good in my book.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. I'm linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk for her High Five for Friday party. Head on over and check things out and celebrate your week too!


  1. Love your Five! This is only my second time linking to it but it has been fun finding new blogs! E-bates is great. I have received some great deals through them as well. Great Blog!


  2. Glad to have you Megan! I just have to remember to keep using Ebates every time I shop online so I can make it worth my while.

  3. Found you through High Five for Friday! I love Mooandpuppy from etsy :) I've purchased many "papers" from her as well!

  4. I was so glad to find her shop, it was exactly what I had been looking for. Hope you are having a good weekend!
