Monday, February 13, 2012

Naptime and Coloring Books

Chris and I are keeping the schedule of newborns lately, pretty much sleeping and eating. I think the only thing we did successfully this weekend was convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. So. Lazy.

6pm. Seriously.
How is it possible to be so tired all the time? And the sad thing is we don't even have anything to really make us super tired. No kids. One job between the two of us (for right now). Our evenings of making something to eat and watching television are literally sending us to bed early every night barely able to keep our eyes open.

Things should pick up in the next couple of weeks. Chris was officially hired at Wal-Mart today but unfortunately has about another two weeks until he can start. Guess I better put a "honey do" list together to keep him occupied. Ha! Maybe after Valentine's Day...

Speaking of V-day, got any great plans? We haven't even uttered the word around here so I'm not expecting anything grand. But I'm not empty handed this time (unlike Easter), putting together a little homemade present for the cost f-r-e-e. I am totally one of those people who loves homemade gifts no matter how cheesy or silly they are.

I remember Chris asking (jokingly) for a coloring book for Christmas so I printed off some coloring pages that I did a quick Google search for and made a quick card. He will get a kick out of it and maybe keep him busy during his downtime the next two weeks.

So how about you? Make anything for your sweetie? Or did you go the store bought route? Or did you get yourself something? Let's hear it!

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