Sunday, January 8, 2012

Custom Timeline

So have you updated to the Timeline on Facebook yet? It's pretty cool. I can't believe I've been on the ol' FB for 7 years now. It was fun to go back and look at the many good times I had back in college.

What I find most intriguing about the new update is the ability to add a "cover" to your profile. It allows you to specifically highlight a photo or create a completely unique look for your page. I have already seen a lot of neat ideas out there. 

Via Demortalz

I've been stalling on creating a cover because frankly, I didn't know where to begin. But then I found this great tutorial at Home Stories A to Z using Picnik.

Home Stories A to Z 
Picnik is still new to me but at the end of the tutorial she mentioned that you could create something similar in Picasa which got my wheels turnin'....

So off to Picasa I went!

Turns out there is an awesome tool in Picasa in which you can create collages from the pictures you already have imported and organized in Picasa.

It is pretty easy to figure out too. The key to creating a custom collage is drag the photos you want to the selection tray THEN click the create menu and select photo collage. If you don't, the collage will be made from a random folder that you have selected, which for me was a collage of my living room...not so FB cover worthy.

It is helpful to know that the size of your collage should be 850 x 315 which you can change by creating a custom aspect ratio.

Then you can play with all the options, like size, type of collage, background color, etc. Save your work then, PRESTO! You have a new cover that is all types of cool.

Definitely check out the Home Stories video for a more in depth tutorial, just wanted to share!

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