Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wrapping Up 2011

2011 has come and almost gone and what a year it has been. Here is a quick month - by - month recap of how 2011 went down.

Brought in the new year with friends and enjoyed quite a few snow days. I began casually house hunting - not very serious, just wanted to see what was out there.

The house hunt turns serious quickly when I visit my future house. I put in on offer on February 12th and after some back and forth, the offer is accepted on February 15th. Yay! Mortgage payments!

March - April

We close on the house in late March and Chris and I spend my spring break painting the entire main floor, buying furniture, moving out of my parent's house, and just generally being exhausted. Also, within the first week, we have our first gas leak, break a brand new dining room chair, have to have parts replaced on our water heater. The oven thermostat waits 4 weeks before going kaput. It was a rough first month of home ownership, but I still love it!


 I'm a bridesmaid in one of my best friend's (Elyse!) wedding


Chris and I celebrate 5 years together by going to dinner where we had our first date. Cue the collective, "Awwwwww"
Also, I teach summer school with my pal Jody to earn some extra cash during my summer vacation. 
We finally have people over to our new home and have our first party. It was a blast to have all of our friends over!

I complete 15 hours of coursework towards my Masters degree in Educational Technology at Mizzou.

I turn 26 years old on the first day of my 4th year of teaching, holy cow!
Chris and I take on the task of making some outdoor upgrades to the casa. We paint the front door, shutters, and bannister, take down the awning, and show off our green thumbs by planting some beautiful mums.


Chris and I attend Game 2 of the Cardinals vs. Texas Rangers World Series. We also attend the St. Louis Cardinals World Series Championship Parade, woohoo!
November flies by, mostly because I spent one week in the great outdoors with my 6th graders. We enjoy Thanksgiving with our families...we aren't quite up to the task of hosting a family get together in the house. Something on the agenda for 2012!

Chris turns 30! We celebrate our first Christmas in the new house, complete with our first tree and putting lights on the exterior.

2011 was such an exciting year, I can only hope that 2012 is just as great! 

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