Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Never Ending Wreath

Have you ever taken on a craft project that you just couldn't finish? You start with such enthusiasm and then the excitement wanes and you're left looking at a half finished project for weeks on end?

I recently experienced some crafter's fatigue after starting a gargantuan autumn wreath for my front door. First, I have to play the blame game as to why it took sooooo long to finish this project.

I blame Martha Stewart.

Usually, I hail Martha. I gladly drink her brand of homemade kool-aid out of her perfectly color coordinated glasses. But her recommendation for wreath sizes was too much for this unsuspecting novice. Her advice was to measure your door and then subtract 6 to find your wreath size. My door was about 30 inches, so I bought a 24 inch grapevine wreath.

But I can't blame Martha for it all. Martha didn't know that I would be covering this wreath with tiny felt rosettes. Of course I found my inspiration on Pinterest. I loved the color, the cuteness or the rosettes, everything.

Via Little Things Brings Smiles

I started by just making rosettes while watching tv. I built up a collection of about 150 different sized rosettes and decided that should do it.

I was wrong. It takes a sh*t ton of rosettes to cover a 24 inch wreath. 

This is where the crafting hiatus took place. For SIX weeks, this wreath sat just like it is in the picture above, in my living room, just staring at me. I just couldn't bring myself to finish the wreath in a timely fashion.

Until last week. I pushed through and finished up the additional rosettes needed to make my wreath door-hanging ready.

 And it looks great! I love the gray and gold combo with the navy blue door. And Martha was right, a 24 inch wreath looks wonderful on my door, anything smaller would have looked pretty dinky. I'll never doubt you again, Martha!

Unfortunately, I'm only getting to enjoy this wreath for about a week longer since the Christmas wreath will be going up after Thanksgiving. But I think it will return after Christmas time.

I am so excited for holiday decorating in my first house! Pinterest will be responsible for decorating my house this year.

Hope you have a happy weekend!

Linking up with:


  1. Wow. Even with all of your frustrations (that's a LOT of flowers), it turned out really cute! I would love for you to link this up to my "I Made This" party at Grits and Giggles.

    1. Consider it linked! Thanks for stopping by!
