Wednesday, February 2, 2011

(Another) Snow Day

After being hyped up for the past 4 days, the "Storm of the Century" came and is now on its way out. The 12-15 inches of snow we were supposed to have turned out to be way more sleet than expected which lessened our snow totals down to about 3-5 is still snowing now (about midnight) so who knows what it will be like when I wake up. I feel a little let down, I wasn't alive for the '82 snowstorm in St. Louis so after hearing about how massive it was I thought it would have been neat to see a record amount of snow. Oh well...

Another day off lead to some productive activity around the house, mostly of the organizational kind. Hell must be about ready to freeze over because Chris finally let me organize his bills electronically! I am completely paper free when it comes to organizing and paying my bills, I receive one paper bill a month for my car payment and that is because they don't offer paperless statements. Chris on the other hand receives about a tree's worth of paper every week in the mail, it is insane. And watching him pay bills is another headache, writing out checks, addressing envelopes, PAYING to pay your bills...the sight is maddening. While he isn't paper free by a long shot, he did make some gigantic strides today.
Hopefully we will be seeing less of these...
Speaking of bills...did I mention I have started to look for a house? Oh yes, I have begun the search. Over my last snow day, I decided that I needed to figure out if I was "loan worthy" and get pre-approved for home loan. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I...little ol' teacher me, would be approved for a home loan. But apparently this gal has amazing credit and lending companies would be delighted to loan me money for my own patch of land. So now that I realize that it is way more doable than previously thought I have found a realtor and visited some houses in South City. Nothing has struck my fancy yet, (pictures online are VERY deceiving) but I have a feeling once I find a house I will have a hard time not pursuing it. When I want something, I want it...NOW.

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