Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rain- Go Away!

There has been a good amount of rain in the St. Louis area the past few days and I need some sunshine. The storms are getting increasingly dangerous which just freaks me out because you just never know when it's going to go from bad to worse. The rain makes me want to stay in bed all day and not be productive so it has been pretty mellow around my house lately.

It is the 2nd full week of my summer vacation and suprisingly I am finding things to do around the house to keep myself busy. I do a lot of cleaning, more cleaning than I have ever done in my entire life, scrubbing the bathroom floors, vacuuming more than once a week, and loading the dishwasher bring me an odd sense of accomplishment. Cleaning is both a bad and good way to fill my time, good because everything looks nice, bad because as soon as it's clean it becomes dirty almost an hour later. I think I am just going to shave my dog because she seems to be the source of most of the dirt in the house.

I applied for three jobs in the past week and I can say I applied for them half heartedly. Even though I know I need to get out of my current school district to be closer to my home and to make more money but I am excited about what I get to do next year in my classroom. I am being given a Promethean Board which honestly I think is going to make a huge difference in how I teach and thus next year when I apply for jobs I will be that much more marketable. It may be lazy but I am trying to convince myself that I making the right decisions. The one school is a private school that charges $20,000 for middle school tuition...holy hell! That was two, almost three years of college for me. It would be amazing to teach on their campus, all the gadgets and gizmos one could ask for but insanely rich, snotty, children.

This weekend I am journeying to Southeast Missouri for my sorority sister Allyson's wedding. Friday night we are staying in Cape G, and then we are off to Portageville/New Madrid. I am super excited because it's going to be a girls' weekend and to dress up. I currently am breaking in the new shoes I bought to wear, I am probably going to want to chop my feet off by the end of the night but they look hot! I am not excited for all the logistics, whose driving, spending money, etc. I just hope the Super 8 we are staying in is not a total hell. Hopefully all goes well.

Next week is Chris and I's 3 year anniversary, woohoo! I can' t believe it has been three years already, I think I have said on every anniversary but really it does feel like it has been that long. I have been working on his scrapbook that compile every year and I must say I have definitely stepped up my scrapbook game. It may not be super fancy but for this semi-crafty chick I think it looks pretty good. My scanner is pretty crappy but below is one of the pages from out lake trip last year.

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