
GBU - 2013 Goals Edition

Monday, December 31, 2012
What the what? 2012 is just about to call it quits. Time to look back on my 2012 resolutions and see how I did...good, bad, and ugly style! The Good: I finished my Masters degree! This has helped me tremendously, not only in my classroom but in the salary department as well. Holla! Also, I spent more time at the gym than ever...


High Five for Friday

Last H54F of 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012
Can you believe it? The last Friday of 2012. High fives all around for a pretty decent year. This Friday rocks because... 1. Loving my new Galaxy S3. I can't believe how much phone technology has changed over the past couple of years. It takes great pictures, has synced wonderfully with all of my accounts, and is all around awesome. 2. Got the...



What I'm Loving

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
I'm loving that it's Wednesday and I'm sitting on the couch, still in my PJs, and reading my favorite blogs. Oh Christmas break - I love you. As much as I love Christmas, it was exhausting yesterday. Chris and I got up around 8:30am, opened our presents then headed to my parent's for brunch and then to his parent's house for dinner. We...



Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Hope your day is merry and bright! ...



The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas Eve everybody! Things are pretty low key around here today, just waiting to head over to my parent's house for hors d'oeuvres and the first round of present opening with my mom's side of the family. I thought I would join the GBU of my weekend, here goes! The Good: Finished my Christmas shopping Friday night in a frenzy, literally a...


High Five for Friday

High Five for Friday!

Friday, December 21, 2012
It's Christmas vacation! Squeeeee! Linking up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk to chat about what was awesome this week. 1. Chris and I went ice skating for his birthday on Saturday. I stayed upright! 2. New Sensationail color found at Walgreens for only $5.99 with two coupons the cosmetics counter lady gave me. Score! 3. So even thought I got...


It's OK

It's OK Thursday

Thursday, December 20, 2012
Thought I would try something new today and link up with Amber for It's OK Thursday. It's OK...  that I am seriously bummed about the end of Gossip Girl. I have already watched the series finale twice and may have been surfing YouTube for some favorite clips.  that I completely checked out for winter break oh, about four days ago. My kids are...


Day of Silence

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Sunday, December 16, 2012
There are just some things in life in which you can never be prepared for, most likely because they are things in which you think would never happen. Friday was one of those days. I really don't know how to process all of my feelings about Sandy Hook. I feel sad, scared, angry, and a bit guilty that I still had a fun...


High Five for Friday

High Five for Friday

Friday, December 14, 2012
My thoughts and prayers go out to the many families affected by the awful events in Connecticut today. 1. Some really cold weather this week. Mandatory potato soup making ensued. 2. Received my first Christmas card. 3. Went to an aquarium restaurant. These giant fish literally were right at our table the entire meal. 4. Celebrated the boyfriend's 31st birthday with spending the...



12-12-12 and A-ha Moments

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
I can't not post on a special numbered day like this one. 12. 12. 12. It won't happen again until 01-01-2101. Pretty special day if you ask me! Unfortunately nothing really special has happened today. Pretty normal actually. I let my 5th hour watch the clock at 12:12 and they all cheered out loud then went back to work like nothing happened. I...


High Five for Friday

High Five for Friday

Friday, December 07, 2012
I'm a day late but I have a good reason! Read on to find out... 1/2: Matthew Phillip and William Daniel were born Thursday to my friend Jody and yesterday I got to meet them! I only hope I look half as good as Jody after giving birth to one kid (someday...) 3. The student gifts have started to arrive, earlier than ever...



Losing My Edge

Tuesday, December 04, 2012
My 6th hour is particularly squirrelly...seated and quiet are not part of this hour's MO so I've gotten used to the students wandering around the room, sitting on the floor, and the random noises. Or so I thought. As I was giving directions, a boy in the back of the room got up to sharpen a pencil and while walking to the sharpener...



Winner Winner

Sunday, December 02, 2012
Congrats to Danavee for winning a pair of dark grey crocheted boot toppers! Thanks to all who entered! a Rafflecopter giveaway ...