
30 Days of Thankful

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Pinterest and the blogosphere are rife with Thanksgiving ideas as we approach November. Beyond the turkey, pumpkin pie, and pilgrims, Thanksgiving is a holiday in which we should celebrate all that we are thankful for. During the month of November I am challenging myself to focus on at least one thing I am thankful for each and every day. While I would love...



Pinterest Challenge: Fall Edition

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
It's back! The Pinterest Challenge. Every few months or so, the ladies over at Young House Love and Bower Power host a challenge to stop pinning and start doing. Last week they sounded the call and I panicked. I seriously did not have the time to tackle a DIY project nor any doll-hairs to spend. My thoughts were consumed all week with how...



October Birchbox

Monday, October 29, 2012
October has almost come and gone. What is it about the last three months of the year that just makes them fly by? But as I was looking at my calendar I realized that I never shared my October Birchbox. So here it goes! For some reason I have stopped receiving e-mails from Birchbox so I didn't get the chance to request the...


Food - Dinner

Swiss Chicken

Sunday, October 28, 2012
Swiss Chicken is one of my favorite Sunday night dinners. It cheesy, chicken-y, and delicious. My mom started making it about 10 years ago and it quickly became one of our family favorites. This dish is in heavy rotation at our house, usually made about every two weeks. A pan feeds us for dinner and gives us leftovers for lunch. I'm pretty sure...


Crafty Sara

Spooky Treats (A Five Minute Craft)

Sunday, October 21, 2012
This week at work we are getting into the Halloween spirit by "spooking" each other. One person gets a candy treat for another person and secretly leaves it from them at their desk then the person who received the candy has to then spook another person (got it?). I've been getting the itch to get crafty (as I so often do in the...


Food - Dessert

High Five for Friday

Thursday, October 18, 2012
Friday! So glad you're here. I like to reflect each week on what totally rocked and link up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk. This week, my world is better because: 1. 12 in '12 baby! My STL Cardinals are currently playing in the NLCS AGAIN. It feels unreal to be back in the same position we were last year. AND...



Tough Mudder

Monday, October 15, 2012
This past Saturday was a culmination of semi-regular training for the boyfriend as he endured the Tough Mudder challenge. Have you heard of this thing? It's bat sh*t crazy if you ask me but for some reason he wanted to run around in the mud, get  electrocuted, carry trees, walk through fire, and did I mention run around in mud?   Chris literally...


High Five for Friday

High Five for Friday

Friday, October 05, 2012
This week. Ugh. Since Wednesday I have thought it was Friday.  Not. A. Good. Feeling. But rejoice! Today is THE day, it IS Friday! And here is what rocked my world this week: 1. I totally fell off the making dinner wagon and have eaten like total crapola this week. Lion's Choice, McDonalds, Wendy's, Steak n Shake, and Pizza Hut. It's been delicious...