Why can't vegetables taste good to me? Why was I not blessed with the palate of a Top Chef so I could enjoy what the produce aisle has to offer me? Blegh. This week I decided it was time to get back on track to being a healthier person, a blog that I follow, Bits & Pieces called for a challenge to 'move...
7 and 1/2 inches of snow fell in St. Charles last night and this morning leading to our third snow day. I am all for a good snow day but now were headed into changing up our school schedule if anymore come our way. So hopefully this is the last of inclement weather that will cancel school...I really need my President's Day off!...
I will try to make this a non-yuck inducing post but I just have to gripe about my ridiculous body. I have psoriasis which essentially is really, really, really, dry skin, like no amount of lotion will ever cure this sh*t dry. I have it on my elbows, legs, hands, back, and scalp. The spots where I am affected are called plaques, which...
So I made a promise to myself to work on Chris and I's four year scrapbook today because it is WAY behind! (The 5th year scrapbook is supposed to be due in just 5 months...oops!) I put together a two page layout for our outing to Flamingo Bowl down off Washington St. during Spring Break. Here's the whole spread. Apologies on the photo...
Just checking out what I can do with my new AndroBlogger app. I'm writing this from my phone...technology is just great! And check out my new header, pretty cute. Head on over to shabbyblogs.com for your own! Just checking out what I can do with my new AndroBlogger app. I'm writing this from my phone...technology is just great! And check out my new...
Oh what a lazy weekend, unfortunately it was more of a forced lazy weekend. My arthritis has taken a turn for the worst with the new medication I am on. Everything aches, my fingers are the size of sausages, and my toes do not bend anymore. I thought I could tough it out but I threw in the towel last night and called...
It is so hard to be productive when there is a possible snow day looming. The forecast is calling for 3-6" in the metro area. I am prepared to go to school tomorrow, my lesson is planned, my outfit picked out, and my bag all packed but I did not come home and do a smidgen of the work I planned. Instead I...
Thank goodness it's the weekend! I have to say as a teacher I feel pretty spoiled sometimes with my scheduled breaks and days off, it is definitely is a perk but after going back to school on Wednesday I feel like I didn't even have any time off. All the stress came right back, there is something going on with me lately that...
1/1/11. I love when the date is special. My new year so far has been pretty uneventful. Chris and I went to our friends' house last night for a NYE celebration and it was quite the party despite me still being (way) under the weather. I just haven't been able to feel any better, although today is the first day my head doesn't...