Memorial Day weekend usually marks the beginning of summer for most and as far as I am concerned it does for me too even though I have one and a half days of school to get through. My classroom is pretty much packed and the grades are done. I am not really sure what the point of making up these snow days are...I...
I sometimes hate that I become so invovled in television shows and movies. I can't help that I am overly emotional over fictional people, events, etc. With that being said I honestly can't believe the Grey's Anatomy season finale tonight...I even knew that shit about George enlisting in the army and couldn't put all the pieces together until he started writing on Meredith's...
Don't feel like writing a whole lot but I felt I needed to post for May...I know I sound like a broken record but time is freaking flying by. 2 more weeks of school then dunzo. I booked our flight today to St. Petersburg, so no backing out now for sure. Is it weird that I feel oddly independent making large purchases? I...