In case you haven't heard...Quizno's is giving away one million sub sandwiches. Go to and register your email address and PRESTO! one free small toasted sub sandwich. Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm Good. In case you haven't heard...Quizno's is giving away one million sub sandwiches. Go to and register your email address and PRESTO! one free small toasted sub sandwich. Mm Mm Mm...
I am stuck at school until 9pm tonight chaperoning the school social and I am so freakin' tired I could literally take a nap on my desk. I still have an hour until it starts and then I have to supervise open gym. I asked for an assignment that would involve mostly sitting or doing something busy, like concessions but no, I get...
I love coming home from work and having absolutely nothing to do, it's quite possibly one of my most favorite things because it makes me feel like I have one of those normal jobs that people have where the clock strikes a certain time and they can just get up and leave it for the next day. Things I may consider doing tonight:...
Well this week was probably one of the worst I have had in awhile, I was sick, had a crappy weekend, and oh did I mention I was sick? As my previous post alluded to I had some awful flu/bronchitis deal that is still keeping me down and not feeling the best. I had a sub Tuesday and half a day Thursday and...
This week has not been a fun one so far. I have this awful flu thing and I feel like death. I tried to go to school today and I knew I just should have called off but I felt determined to go but as soon as I got there I thought there was no way I was going to make it through...
OH man, what a LONG week I feel that I have had. And it honestly hasn't been all to stressful, in fact I haven't even done school work when I've gotten home the past two nights (even though I have needed too, oops.) Nothing really eventful going on, just the usual frustrations with school and my ridiculous co-worker who shall remain unnamed. It...